Up to now, I have bluffed my way through everything. Got lucky. Met exactly the right people. Up to now. Because now I am unmasked.
I am proud of my track record. Starting out as an advisor in Care and then made many ambitions come true. Pièces de résistance: global support for a 1bn USD P&L and regional management of a team of HR Directors.
Every new move led to a new boss. Many eccentrics came my way, but this man was unique in every way. He sent his whole management team over the edge!
My stubborn urge to prove myself made me think I could convince him of my qualities. Against my better judgment. Eventually, I too faced his indescribable disappointment in my ability.
But maybe he was right? Was my success of the last 20 years solely based on luck, timing, and deception?
24% of us suffer from the feeling of cheating their way through life. This utterly human phenomenon is called ‘imposter syndrome’.
It is good to question your own qualities every now and then. But don’t take it too far. And rest assured… it is a normal phenomenon that many can identify with!
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